O'NEIL, Patrick - Putnam

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O'NEIL, Patrick

Source: Greencastle Herald Putnam County 13 March 1913 p1

The Brazil Times has the following concerning the main killed on the interurban Tuesday night: Patrick O’Neil aged 55 years a kiln firer at the Clay Products Company who boarded at the Smith Hotel, 220 S. Meredian Street was fatally injured when hit by east bound local interurban car due in Brazil at 11:55 o’clock Wednesday night. He died a few minutes afterwards at the Miller & Son Morgue where he was taken in an ambulance.  The accident occurred at the east end of the hill known as Cottage Hill or the Waterworks Hill at a point in front of the home of John T. Roberts, 116’ west of Stop 49. The car was in charge of Motorman John H. Hawkins and Conductor Keiser of Greencastle.  Hawkins said he saw O’Neil lying in the center of the track with his feet to the west and threw on the air brakes. However, the car was going down the steep grade and it was impossible to stop it in time to avert an accident. The man was struck by the pilot and rolled underneath where the body was thrown on top of the trucks. The car was brought to a stop and carried when the men in charge got off to hunt for the body.  They were unable to find it for some time and the body was extricated from the tracks with great difficulty. There was life in the body and a call was sent to this city. The man died a few minutes afterwards. Both ankles were broken, there were severe scalp wounds and internal injuries and injured back. The man doubtlessly was intoxicated when he met death and no one seems to know why he had gone to this part of the city.  O’Neil has been in the city for about 7 years and is fairly well known.  He was known to drink excessively.  “It is coincident that the death occurred within half a mile of the spot where Robert F. Stewart was killed, almost in a similar manner last Saturday night. Stewart met death at the west end of the hill while O’Neil was in a fatal accident at the east end.” - kbz

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