NICHOLSON, D. D. - Putnam

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Source: 1881 H. W. Beckwith History. Chicago: HH Hill, p. 467

NICHOLDSON, D.D., farmer, Ladoga, one of the old and respected citizens of Ladoga, was b. in Jessamine Co, Ky, Dec 1, 1811. His father, Benj. Nicholdson came from Va. to Ky when a boy and marr. Jemima STARS and in 1812 removed to Washington Co IN where he was one of the pioneers for that co. In 1813 and 1814 he was compelled to live in a fort for protection from the Indians. He resided in that County till his death, 1848. His wife died in 1830, in the same County. The subject of this sketch was raised on a farm, receiving a common school education, such as could be obtained in those days. At the age of 21 years he started for himself, having learned the blacksmith trade. He fo9llowed this occupation for a great many years, and was the first of his trade that located in Ladoga. In 1839 he came to Putnam Co, where he engaged in farming until he removed to Montgomery CO, 1837 and has since been a permanent resident of Ladoga, there only being six families in the village when he came. He has filled a great many offices of trust with credit to himself and to his constituents, having served as justice of the peace and township trustee for a great many years, and in 1848 and 1849 represented Montgomery Co. In 1832 he marr. Miss Elizabeth FLEENOR, a native of Washington Co IN who has proved a faithful wife and mother. Their family consists of Benj H; Sarah V; John; Wm. W; Oliver W; Reese D. and Amanda C.

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