NELSON, ELiza Jean - Putnam

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NELSON, ELiza Jean

Source: Greencastle Herald 6 Feb 1912 p 1

The death of Mrs. Eliza Jean Nelson widow of the late Franklin Perry Nelson of this city occurred at the home of her daughter, Mrs. William Warren Penfield in NY City Monday afternoon after an illness of several months. The body will be brought here arriving tomorrow afternoon. The funeral services which will be private will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James B. Nelson on East Seminary Street Thursday. The hour has not been set. Judge and Mrs. Penfield are accompanying the body here. Mr. Nelson and Mr (sic – Mrs) Penfield are the only children surviving Mrs. Nelson. The news of the death of Mrs. Nelson although not unexpected came as a great shock to her friends in this city. She was a woman who made many warm friends and she was held in high esteem by Greencastle people. Mrs. Nelson was more intimately known among the older residents of the city not having lived here for the past 13 years.  Mrs. Nelson was born in Baltimore, Maryland and it was there on March 23, 1870 that she, then Miss Eliza Jean Brannan and Mr. Nelson were united in marriage. They came to this city to make their home. Mr. Nelson was an extensive land owner and also one of the founders of the First National Bank and of the Iron & Nail Works.  He was also a trustee of DePauw University and was identified in many ways with the history and growth of Greencastle. He died Nov 5, 1896. Shortly after the death of her husband, Mrs. Nelson went to NY City to make her home with her daughter. Although she made her home with Judge and Mrs. Penfield, Mrs. Nelson spent much time in travel and only last fall returned to NY after a three year stay in Italy and other countries in Europe. Shortly after Mrs. Nelson returned to NY she was taken ill and from that time until her death gradually grew weaker. Several w ago, Mr. Nelson was called to NY on account of his mother’s illness. His presence seemed to revive her and for a few days she slightly improved. After Mr. Nelson returned home, however, Mrs. Nelson’s condition grew worse and the attending physicians notified the family it was only a matter of a few days until her death. The body will arrive here on the Big Four train due here from the East at 3:35 o’clock tomorrow afternoon. The pall bearers will be: James I. Nelson; Frank Donner; CH Barnaby; CJ Arnold; Dr. OF Overstreet and FC Tilden.

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