McCAMMACK, Robert - Putnam

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Source: Greencastle Herald 11 March 1909 p 3

Robert McCammack son of Thomas and Nellie McCammack, was born in With (Wythe) County, Virginia, April 22, 1823, deceased March 5, 1909; aged 85 years 10 months 13 days.  He was married to Pyma Agness Hill May 25, 1844 the marriage ceremony being solemnized by Joel Vermilion.  To this union were born 12 children four dying in infancy and Malinda Keller dying in 1893. The seven survivors are Arminda Matthews, Thomas J., and George W., Mary Terry, Cynthia Allee, Vandever and Nannie Neier. His wife preceded him to the better land August 20, 1906. He united with the New Providence Missionary Baptist Church in I858 and was baptized by Rev. Wilson Trent. Later he was one of the charter members in the organization of Union Valley Church. He was a faithful Bible student and was fond of reading Into the deep things that belong to God. He was kind and charitable to the poor and never allowed anyone to go hungry from his door. In his death the community Ioses a good citizen and the family a devoted father. He emigrated to Jefferson township In 1837 where he had resided ever since. In his old age he retained a decided control of his natural powers which may be characterized in the following lines written by him: “I, Robert McCammack, 84 years, 22 days, wrote this without glasses. Am well at this time and can hear and see as well as I could forty years ago. I thank God for that and all other blessings every day.” - kbz

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