Lowman, Matilda Hiatt - Putnam

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Lowman, Matilda Hiatt

Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal Friday, 16 December 1898
Matilda and Malinda, daughters of John and Sarah Hiatt, were born in this county March 26th, 1828, and have made their home here almost all their lives. Matilda has long been the wife of W. W. McClure. Malinda married John Towman, he dying some years ago. She has for a time made her home in Lebanon, but spends the greater portion of her time at the home of her sister. They are hale and hearty old women and look very much alike. They are the oldest set of twins we have in this township.

Source: Indy News 24 April 1893

Residents of Indiana Whose claims have been allowed –widows – Malinda Lowman

Source: Star Press, Muncie Thu 2 May 1912 p 2

Lebanon, Ind May 1 – Mrs. Malinda Lowman age 84 died of organic heart disease at the home of her dau-in-law, Mrs. AW Lowman in this city yesterday afternoon.  Mrs. Lowman with a sister, Mrs. Matilda McClure of Cloverdale, Ind were believed to be the oldest pair of twins in the state. They were born in Montgomery County March 26, 1828. Mrs. McClure of Cloverdale and Mrs. AW Lowman of this city are the only surviving relatives.

Source: Crawfordsville Review May 2, 1912

Mrs. Malinda Virginia Lowman is dead at her home in Lebanon. She had been ill for 22 days. Organic heart disease was the cause of her death. Mrs. Lowman was 84 years, 1 month and 4 days old. She was born in Montgomery County March 26, 1828. She was raised a Quaker but for some time had been a member of the Lebanon Presbyterian Church. She and her sister, Mrs. Matilda McClure who resides at Cloverdale were the oldest known twins in the state. Mrs. Lowman for several years resided with her son, the late Andrew W. Lowman. She died just two months after his demise. Mrs. Lowman was married in March 1859 in Montgomery County to William M. Lowman,  The funeral was held at the residence Thursday at 2 p.m. the Rev. OOOH Carmichael officiating. Interment was in Oak Hill Cemetery. - kbz

Source: Star-Democrat, Greencastle, 10 May 1912 p 1

DARLINGTON, Ind.., May 2.—Mi's. Mallnda lawman, formerly of this city, but more recently of Lebanon is dead She died Tuesday afternoon about two o’clock of heart disease at the late home of Andy Lowrnan, who died just two months ago today She was eighty-four years old March 26 of this year She was the twin sister of Mrs Matilda McClure, who now resides with her daughter, Mrs. Frank Koble of Cloverdale These two women were known till over the state as the “Hiatt Twins’ and were reputed to be the oldest twins living in Indiana up to the time of Mrs Lowman’s death yesterday afternoon They were to have celebrated their eighty-fourth birthday on March 26* but failed do so on account of Mrs. Lawman's illness She had been in the best of health until the death of her son on Marcu 1. The shock seemed to affect her heart and she grew worse from that time until her death. During all of these two months she has grieved continually. It is thought that the manner of her son’s death was the cause of her lasting sorrow, He had cancer of the jaw and underwent a surgical operation In the hope of getting relief, but failed to do so. Mrs. Lowman was e member of a large family of children, of which her twin sister, Mrs. McClure, Is the! only surviving member. They were] horn March 26, 1828. It is said their late brother, Silas Hiatt, was the second white child to be born in Montgomery county. The funeral for Mrs. Lowman will: be at Lebanon on Thursday afternoon at two o’clock.

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