LOCKRIDGE, Robert - Putnam

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Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal Friday, 24 March 1899

Robert Lockridge, one of the wealthiest and most influential citizens of Putnam County, died very suddenly of heart trouble last Monday afternoon at his home near Raccoon.- "S"

Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal Friday, 24 March 1899

Robert Lockridge, of Raccoon, died last Monday evening at four o’clock at his home of heart trouble. Mr. Lockridge was an extensive stock dealer and farmer. He probably farmed and cultivated more land than any man in Putnam County. Mr. Lockridge was about seventy one years old. He leaves a wife and seven grown children and a host of friends to mourn the loss. The funeral services were held at Raccoon Church Wednesday at ten o’clock, interment at Greencastle Cemetery. Mr. Lockridge was a member of the M. E. Church at Raccoon. - thanks to "S" for these

Source: Indianapolis News 21 March 1899 p 6

Greencastle - March 21 - Robert Z. Lockridge of Raccoon is dead. He was  75 years old and the father of a large family. Among his children is AL Lockridge of Indianapolis. - kbz

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