LEE, Wilson - 1895 - Putnam

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LEE, Wilson - 1895

Source: Greencastle Star Press, 21 Dec 1895 p 8
Wilson Lee died at his residence in Jackson Township on Dec 19 of paralysis; deceased was taken sick on Monday and lived until Thursday. Mr. Wilson (sic) was a native of Virginia; he leaves a widow; a daughter and other relatives and friends to mourn his sudden death.  
Born: 3 Sept 1827 – Died: 19 Dec 1895 buried Dean Cemetery, Putnam County, Indiana

Source: Greencastle Star, 28 Dec 1895

"Wheaton news" -- With sorrow we announce the death of Wilson Lee, one of our best citizens; he was taken sick on Dec 16 with spinal meningitis and death resulted on Dec 19; the funeral services were conducted at
Friendship Church by Elder Thomas on Friday afternoon after which the remains were buried in the Dean Cemetery amid the tears and sorrow of a large concourse of friends; he leaves a widow and one daughter to mourn his demise, one daughter having passed to the beyond several years ago; they have the sympathy of all in their great bereavement; deceased was always ready to assist others; he was accommodating, strictly honest - we have lost a good citizen who will be missed by all. ---kbz

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