LEE, William - Putnam

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LEE, William

Source: Indianapolis Journal Sat 16 Aug 1890 p 3

Greencastle, Aug 15 – Another of the early settlers of Putnam County died last night – Judge William Lee of Cloverdale township. He was a native of Shelby County Kentucky, his father John Lee, having removed there from Virginia and afterwards to Clark County this state where William was reared. Judge Lee came to Greencastle in 1830 and embarked in mercantile pursuits. He was appointed to fill an unexpired term of judge of probate and was afterwards elected to the position but resigned it to accept the office of recorder which he held four years. Judge Lee was originally a Whig but on the dissolution of that party he acted with the Republicans, casting his first presidential vote for John Quincy Adams in 1824. He removed to the country in 1857 where his wife preceded him to the tomb in 1884. Deceased was the father-in-law of ex-Senator Daggy of this city.
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