LEATHERMAN, Regina Ann - Putnam

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Source: Greencastle Banner and Times 16 Oct 1896 p 6
Reggie Leatherman died Wednesday evening at the residence of Mrs. Jeanette Preston Layne, where Mrs. Leatherman and her daughter had rooms. Death was caused by an attack of acute rheumatism of the heart which had existed only about two weeks. She had been troubled for two years with a milder form of the same disease. Dr. Leatherman was summoned immediately from Atlanta, GA and is expected to arrive this afternoon or tonight. The death is a particularly sad one and the family have the sympathy of the community in their bereavement. Reggie was a bright little girl of 11 years and possessed a sunny disposition that made her a general favorite among her playmates and friends. The funeral will occur this afternoon at 3 o’clock, services at College Avenue Church, conducted by Drs. Hollingsworth and Gobin.

Source: Greencastle Banner and Times, 20 Nov 1896 p 8
Anna Regina Leatherman, daughter of Dr. JR and Lucy Leatherman was born in Manhattan Indiana July 29, 1885 died in Greencastle, Oct 13, 1898. Eleven years for her lifetime, then her work was done, her mission accomplished, and Reggie left us for a better clime; how beautifully her short life rounded out and how earnestly and untiringly she pursued way, full of kindness, tender sympathy and cheer.  To us who knew her best and even more intimately associated with her in the home circle, she has left a benediction of sweet memories, suggesting only the pure and unsullied faith and devotion of a happy guileless childhood. The fragrance of her good deeds, loving words and unselfish acts, suggestive of her favorite flower in their purity and modesty, “the lily of the valley.” It can be said of her, she walked with God, for the faith and confidence in His loving kindness was most remarkable and the lessons taught and comfort brought by the earnest breathings of a simple, confident, childlike prayer, as she reverently made her request known, can never be forgotten. So near and dear she was she to us in the sweet association of child-friend in our home, that we are loth to believe she has left us, her memory is so comforting her presence seems real. Dear Reggie, how fondly she loved papa, mamma and friends, how full of sympathy for the afflicted or needy, how devoted to schoolmates, Sunday School and League. The beautiful lessons you taught us shall not be forgotten, the seed sown by your baby hands shall bring forth much fruit, meet for the kingdom. We can only extend our loving and sincere sympathies to papa, mamma and friends, in your absence, but cannot grieve, for He who said, “Suffer little children to come unto me and forbid them not,” doeth all things well and we know you are “safe at home,” safe from all worries and cares, free from all aches and pains and are one of Christ’s jewels. His loved and His own and are sure you have reached that summer land.” We with the Sunday school class and teachers of 1st ward, offer this chaplet of memories in loving remembrance of your short but useful life.

Resolutions from Sunday School: In memory of our dear departed one, Reggie Leatherman, we write these few lines for the Sunday school. We miss her from our class. Her bright sweet face we see no more but she lives in our memory. As we take our places we realize that one has already gone from us to abide with Jesus. We were anxious during her illness. No sooner would we reach the class than the girls were telling me of Regie’s condition. We were grieved to hear the worst, but feel that our loss was heaven’s gain. As a Sunday School our hearts ache with sympathy for the bereaved parents. But, dear parents, But, dear parents, and members of the Sunday School, there is real joy in knowng that if we are faithful to our blessed Redeemer that we shall meet her bye & bye where life will be all joy and sunshine. “Leaves have their time to fall; Flowers fade at the north wind’s breath, but thou has all seasons for thine own, O Death.”  … Ettie E. Fraley
Resolutions from school
At six years of age, Reggie (as her playmates loved to call her) began her school days at building No 1.  Well do we remember her first morning at school.  Her always sweet, bright, happy face was radiant that day for as she said, “I am going to school, now.”  As a pupil, Regina was dutiful, considerate, loving and trustworthy. As a friend of her schoolmates, Reggie was gentle, amiable, affectionate, loyal, self-sacrificing and thoughtful. A conspicuous trait in her deportment was cheerfulness at all times.  She had always a bright smile and pleasant word for every one; to rich and poor a loving, helpful hand was extended. Often a great sufferer, but always cheerfully patient and uncomplaining. For the wee ones, Reggie exercised the most thoughtful care, the little ones nestling up to her with a love and trustfulness that was touching to see. We have today, genuine sadness of heart as we realize our loss, but the sweet spirit has gone back to God who gave it.
Resolutions from League
In memory of one of our Junior League members. Regie Leatherman was a member of the Junior League of College Ave. Church, having joined the League sometime before her death.  She was always an active member, doing what she was able to do, until her health failed. Early she gave her heart to the Lord and joined the church last spring, with a number of the other children of the League. She felt that she was truly one of Christ’s little ones and that all was well.  We think of her as we come where she used to meet with us and all have loving thoughts of our absent member, Regie though not absent in spirit. And we would say to her loved ones who feel her loss, don’t grieve but rejoice in her joy; she is with the dear Jesus of whom she loved to hear when on earth and we can seem to see her gathered with His other little ones about Him, looking up into his blessed, loving face; looking with a heart filled with joy and no pain, as she sings the glad songs of praise to Him, for He it is who took her home.  Let us think of her as gone on just a little while before us and that we will see her again. “For the Lord God giveth them light; Rev. xxii5.  Yours in Christ, Fannie Murphy, Supt. Junior League. - transcribed by kbz  
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