LEATHERMAN, Daniel - Putnam

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Source: Greencastle Star 3 Dec 1881 p 1

Last Wednesday night after 12 o’clock, a terrible accident occurred on the farm of Mr. Daniel Leatherman in Madison Township about six miles northwest of this city. As we are informed, a party consisting of Messrs. Daniel Leatherman, WP Wood, Frank Lancaster, Hi Rudisill, John Tatman and Joe Ford went coon hunting on the night named and in due time, treed a coon. Axes were at hand and willing workers were soon at work. As the tree fell it split up about 20’, broke off and the butt rebounded backward suddenly, with great force, striking Mr. Leatherman on the head and then falling on him, crushing the body into the ground. Mr. Leatherman was killed instantly, his head and body being terribly crushed and disfigured.  The tree, which was a large one, pinned the remains to the earth. Neighbors were summoned and after working an hour or two with saw and axe, the tree was removed and the remains were conveyed to his late home where the widow and orphaned children, who had been informed of the accident, awaited, sad and sorrowing the return in death of him who had gone from them only a few hours before in strength and vigor of manhood. Mr. Leatherman was a man of sterling worth and integrity, popular and highly respected by all who knew him, a favorite with a large circle of friends, and his loss will be felt in the community. To the bereaved wife and orphaned children, the sympathy of all is extended in this, their hour of sorrow. May He who “tempereth the winds to the shorn lamb,” be to them a protector, provider and friend. The remains were interred on Friday afternoon at Little Walnut Baptist Church grave yard, the funeral being attended by a very large concourse of friends and neighbors. – kbz

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