LANGSDALE, Mary - Putnam

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Source: Greencastle (Putnam County, Indiana) Star Press 31 August 1895 p 8

Mrs. Mary Langsdale, wife of George J. Langsdale, formerly of this city, died at her late residence in Indianapolis, on Wednesday Aug 28 at 5 o’clock p.m.  She was surrounded at the time by her husband and four children and Mrs. John Whitset her sister. She was conscious until the last and died without pain. The illness, which began about six months ago was cancer of the stomach and her decline has been steady ever since, though she did not give up hope until  yesterday morning. The fatal turn for the worse occurred about 3 o’clock in the morning and she lingered during the day, being kept e only by the use of stimulants. Her daughter, Mrs. AJ Beveridge, was prostrated by the blow and required the services of a physician last night. Mr. Beveridge who has been in Massachusetts, was telegraphed for. Mrs. Langsdale was born in Kentucky but came to Indianapolis in her early life. She was once teacher in the High School.  Her marriage with Mr. Langsdale occurred 33 years ago Aug 13 and the anniversary was observed at her home, with the four living children and many friends present. The vent was thoroughly enjoyed by Mrs. Langsdale she entering heartily into the pleasurers of the day. During life she was a member of the Methodist Church. She leaves her husband and four children – two sons and two daughters; William and George, Mary who is a well-known teacher in the public schools and Mrs. Albert J. Beveridge. Deceased was a long-time resident of Greencastle and was a social favorite in a large circle of friends, by whom her demise is sincerely mourned. The funeral took place from the family residence on Friday afternoon, services being conducted at the house; burial at Crown Hill Cemetery. - kbz

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