LANE, Anna Leasure - Putnam

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LANE, Anna Leasure

Source: Crawfordsville Journal, Dec 16, 1920

Ladoga -- Mrs. Preston Lane, who was hurt in an automobile accident Sunday,  four miles W. of this city, died this morning at 9 o'clock at the  home of her brother-in-law, Marcus Lane. She was 63 years old and  is survived by her husband, two daugthers and one son. Mr. &  Mrs. Lane were driving Sunday and had just crossed the Midland RR  crossing, four miles W. of here, when in some way Mr. Lane lost  control of his machine and they went over an embankment. Mrs.  Lane's arm was broken in three places and she suffered from  internal injuries, which caused her death. The body will be taken  to her home in Judson where funeral services and interment will  take place.
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