LAMMERS, Frank Henry - M.D. - Putnam

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LAMMERS, Frank Henry - M.D.

Frank Henry Lammers, M.D.

Source: Indiana Medical Journal - A monthly Journal of Medicine and Surgery Vol 18 Indiana Medical Journal Publishing Co, 1900 p 437 (SEE NOTE AT BOTTOM)

Dr. F.H. Lammers was thrown from his buggy Thursday evening Mar 1 1900 and received injuries which resulted in his death about two hours later. As he was being carried into the residence of HC Lewis a call was sent for a physician and was sent to Dr. Lammers' own house. As soon as it was found that the injured man was Dr. Lammers himself, a telephone call was sent to Dr. Evans who was not aware of whose call he was answering until he entered the Lewis home and bent over the body of his friend and former partner. Dr. Zaring was also summoned but surgical aid was powerless. Examination disclosed that no bones were broken. The skull was not fractured and a blood vessel in the brain was probably ruptured. The death occurred about 10:30 without a return to consciosness. THe news of the accident spread over the city and caused the deepest sorrow and gloom. Dr. Lammers was a man among men and one of the city's leading physicians.

Dr. Frank Henry Lammers was born in Beardstown, Illinois Sept 21, 1864. He graduated from DePauw University in 1887. From here he went to New York City where he entered the NY College of Physicians and surgeons and complted the work in the college in 1891. Immediately afterward he returned to Greencastle and on June 25th that year he was married to Miss Clara C. Florer of this city and they returned to NY in order that he may study for a year in the city's hospitals. He practiced medicine at the same time. In 1892 he returned here and formed a partnership with Dr. E>B. Evans. Dr. Evans afterward withdrew form the partnership and it was continued from that time by Dr. Lammers alone. He leaves the widow and one daughter. Dr. and Mrs. Lammers both became members of the Episcopal Church in NY City and have continued their church connection since that time.

The funeral of Dr. Lammers was attended Sunday afternoon by a large concourse of friends of the deceased. The services were in charge of Dr. JPD John and Dr. WF Swahlen. The floral tributes were beautiful and banked by loving hands over the grave at Forest Hill where the Episcopal ritualistic service was read by Dr. John.

-- Dr, Lammers was a member of the Putnam County Medical Society since 1891. The above obituary is from the Greencastle Banner, March 9, 1900--

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