KING, Andrew J. - Putnam

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KING, Andrew J.

Source: Greencastle Herald 1 April 1907 p 1

Andrew J. King, an old resident of Putnamville, died at his home there this morning at 5 o’clock. He leaves a widow and one daughter.  Mr. King was 69 years old. – kbz

Source: Greencastle Herald 2 April 1907 p 4

The funeral of Andrew J. King, who died at his home in Putnamville early Monday morning was Tuesday afternoon at 2 o’clock.  Mr. King was 69 years old and had lived on the old National Road for 25 years. Before that he lived in Greencastle. – kbz

Source: Greencastle Herald 4 April 1907 p 4

“Putnamville News” – Mr. and Mrs. Himer and daughters of Crawfordsville have been called here on account of Mrs. Himer’s father, Mr. Andrew King, who has been sick for the past few weeks and who died April 1.  Mr. King was one of Putnam’s oldest and best known residents.  He will be missed in our social circle. - kbz

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