KEITH, John W. - Putnam

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KEITH, John W.

Source: Brazil, Indiana Daily Times Thursday 12 May 1910 p 1

As a culmination of a Christian and useful life, death came to John W. Keith, a well known business man and one of the oldest and most highly respected citizens of Brazil at 7:15 o’clock last night at his home, 710 South Walnut Street. His death was caused by a complication of diseases and the deceased was seriously ill for several days. All hope for his life was relinquished by the attending physicians several days ago and his death was not unexpected. He leaves to mourn his demise a widow and one grandson, Stanley; two brothers, Robert L and Harve C Keith of this city and one sister, Mrs. Frank Hall of Danville, Ind. Mr. Keith was born in Putnam County in 1848. He married Miss Ella Sutherlan, daughter of the late Henry S. Sutherlan, a prominent family of that county. He had resided in Brazil since 1876, being a commercial traveler and business man. Mr. Keith had been a faithful member of the Methodist Church practically all his life and occupied many positions of responsibility and honor of that church. At the time of his death he was one of the stewards and a member of the official board of the First Methodist Church. He had also been closely identified with the uplift and growth of the city of Brazil and could always be depended on for all movements for the betterment of the city. He was a member of the Knights of Pythias Lodge. For 20 years, with his brother he was an extensive traveler of the United States in the manufacture and wholesale of novelties. He established the Troy steam laundry which is still in operation and which institution has been a great success. The funeral services will be held at 2 o’clock tomorrow (Friday) afternoon at the Methodist Church, the Rev. JN Greene officiating. The funeral will leave the house at 1:30 o’clock. For the convenience of those who will be unable to attend the funeral services, the body will lie in state at the residence between 9 and 12 o’clock where a committee from the K of P Lodge will have charge.- kbz
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