KEESHAN, Mary - Putnam

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Mary Keeshan

Source: Greencastle Banner, Putnam County, Indiana 28 July 1870
The Terre Haute Express of Saturday contains the following: The body of Mary Keeshan, a young woman of 20 years of age, who has lately been a teacher at Reelsville, and who died on Tuesday morning at the house of a respectable family on 7th street was disinterred yesterday on suspicion that her death was the result of foul practice.  A post mortem examination was made by two of our city physicians and a coroner’s jury empaneled to hold an inquest. A write was issued by the Mayor last evening for the arrest of a suspected party, but up to the time of going to press he could not be found.  

On Monday it ha the following further particulars: “The coroner’s jury completed their investigation in regard to the death of Mary Keeshan, on Saturday morning, and returned a verdict that “the deceased came to her death by abortion or premature delivery and that said abortion was caused by the aid and assistance of one Dr. Samuel A. Hinton.  Dr. Hinton was immediately taken before Esq. Denehie, when he waved a preliminary  examination and was held to bail in the sum of $2,000 to appear at the next term of the Criminal court. The bond was promptly given and the accused set at liberty.”

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