KEE, Lawrence - Putnam

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KEE, Lawrence

Source: Greencastle Star Press, 21 Dec 1895 p 7

Again we are brought to realize more fully that “Death is a visitor we can not turn away.”  On Dec 11, just as the sun was rising above its eastern horizon and another day was dawning, he visited the home of little Lawrence Kee, and just at 6 o’clock laid on his cold and icy hand and bore it to that other home prepared in Heaven and this little flower was plucked to fill its place. Little Lawrence was the youngest child of Theodore and Sallie Kee; his father preceded him to the grave five years ago. Lawrence was born April 9, 1886; died Dec 11, 1895, aged 9 years 8 months 2 days; was taken sick wit typhoid fever Nov 24; although his sickness was thought to be dangerous from the start it was thought that he would have the strength to pull through; but with the most careful attention and nursing from his devoted mother and friends, they could not stay the cruel hand of death. Lawrence was loved by everybody; he had a beautiful disposition, never worried over anything and was always happy; although young he realized how to appreciate his home, mother, sister and brother, he was obedient and affectionate, always ready to do anything that would add to the comfort and pleasure of his mother and before going to school would always come to her, put his little arms around her neck and say, “Goodby, Mamma, till I return.” He will be sadly missed by his little schoolmates; they all loved him, for he was kind and gentle, ever ready to take part in their plays and never known to get angry or say unkind words to wound their feelings and his beautiful life to them should leave an example worthy to follow. Mother, brother and sister, though you are crushed with grief, you may find consolation in the words of Him who said, “Suffer little children to come unto me for of such is the kingdom of Heaven.”   MLJ
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