JOHNSON, Thomas Jefferson - Putnam

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JOHNSON, Thomas Jefferson

Source: Greencastle Star, 5 Feb 1881 p 8

Died in this township on Monday Jan 31, 1881, of pneumonia, after a short and painful illness, Thomas Jefferson Johnson in the 54th year of his age. Deceased was born May 11, 1827, in Trimble County, Kentucky. His father died when he was little more than a child, leaving three daughters and Thomas, an only son. The family moved to Greencastle in February 1856. On Nov 5, 1862, he was married to Miss Elizabeth A. Carver, who, with three sons and a daughter, survive to mourn their irreparable loss.  Mrs. Johnson when very young, united with the Church of Christ in the ME connection and he has always adorned his profession. He filled several important positions in the church to the satisfaction and edification of his brethren. About 9 years ago he united with the Presbyterian Church of this city.  Of late years deceased had taken a great interest in Jersey cattle and dairy farming, having owned some of the best Channel Island cattle ever brought to this section of the State. The funeral took place Wednesday morning, religious services at Presbyterian Church, conducted by Dr EW Fish and Dr. A. Marine.  Deceased was buried with the honors of Odd Fellowship to which order he had been attached for many years, being affiliated with Putnam Lodge of this city.

Source: Greencastle Star, Putnam County, Indiana 5 March 1881 p 6

Hall of Putnam Lodge No 45 IOOF Greencastle, Ind Feb 8 ’81 – to the NG Officers and members of Putnam Lodge:
Brothers: We, your committee, appointed to embody in written report a token of respect for or late worthy brother, TJ Johnson would beg leave to offer the following for your consideration: Once more, in obedience to the inexorable laws of mortality we have been called upon to perform the last sat rite of sepulture. Our highly esteemed and much loved brother, TJ Johnson on the 31st day of January 1881 bade farewell to his life and friends. In the world at large Brother Johnson sustained the character of an honorable, conscientious gentleman, a faithful friend and citizen, a kind husband and father. As a Brother in our Lodge he well deserved all the honor conferred upon his high rank and station. Calmly though earnestly he ever seemed to be actuated by those humane principles so beautifully expressed in our Ritual which teaches us that the heart and hand of every true Odd Fellow is ever open to a Brother in friendship and distress.  His faithful adherence to the laws, written and unwritten, his zeal in inculcating the pure principles of “Friendship, Love and Truth,” his ever-willingness and earnestness in administering to the sick and needy and in looking after the best interests of the widow orphan – plainly and indelibly stamped upon him the character of one of our noblest Odd Fellows. We offer his example as worthy of our emulation, and hope that this memorial of his praiseworthy deeds may serve to remind us of our duties, that we may acquire a clearer perception of them, and lead us to a more practical fulfillment of all our fraternal obligations.  Our Brother is gone.  His chair is vacant – his earthly work is done. Our fraternal companion has passed beyond the influence of our love, our sympathy and our care.  But a loving wife and children are left – to them our constant care must be extended. Let us make them feel that in confidence they may look to and come to Putnam Lodge for counsel and aid. Let us prove our principles not only in the practical applicatioin of them, but by extending, when possible, also the amenities of life. To the widow and children we extend the hand of sympathy and care. To them we offer our condolence and commend them to the fraternal solicitude and assistance of the Trustees of our Lodge.  Committee: HH Morrison; John P. Allee, WJ Bowen.   The foregoing is a verbatim copy of the report adopted by Putnam Lodge at their regular meeting on the 8th evening of February 1881 and ordered to be spread on record and a copy presented to the widow and children of our late Brother Thomas J. Johnson.  LD Crawley, MM Crittenden, NG & Secy.
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