JOHNSON, Stephen - Putnam

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JOHNSON, Stephen

Source: Greencastle Banner 17 March 1870 p 1

Died in this city on the 28th ultimo, Stephen M. Johnson, aged 60 years 4 months 28 days.  Father Johns was born near Laurel Hill, Fayette County, PA in 1810; when but six years of age, his father came west with his family to what was then the Territory of Indiana.  From thence, he returned to the vicinity of Lebanon, Ohio where the subject of our sketch spent the greater part of his boyhood and youth as he did, also his riper years in the manly occupation of farming. In 1834, he married Miss Sarah Parke of Preble County, Ohio. Here he continued to live after his marriage until 1849 when he moved to the neighborhood of Greencastle, Indiana, the point from which, attracted by his children, he came to reside with us about two years ago. In 1851 he received a fracture in his knee, while assisting a neighbor in rolling logs.  After 10 years of untold suffering, amputation became necessary since which with health impaired he has halted patiently but wearily to the grave.  But his affliction has doubtless proved his everlasting gain. About 16 years ago he was enabled to cast aside the filthy rags of his own righteousness and betake himself to the only refuge laid in Zion.  He united first with the Presbyterian Church at Waveland, Indiana on profession of his faith in Christ and with this church, by letter, about one year ago, being at the time of his death, the oldest member in it.  He leaves behind him a devoted companion, the partner of his youth and age and the sharer of his earthly infirmities and heavenly hopes.  12 children have blessed their happy union, the second of whom died in infancy.  Eleven are living and present to pay the last tribute of affection and sorrow over the remains of a father loved and honored from their infancy.  The eldest six are professing Christians. Three of them are members of this church and one a beloved Elder. Father Johns was a man of strong executive will and great energy of character.  Like Abraham he commended his children after him; and they have risen up to bless him.  He guarded the door of his own lips and taught by example what he enjoyed by precept. He could seldom be with us in the Sanctuary but as a priest in his own house, he kept the flame always burning on the Altar. Nor did he fail when it was consistent to improve the visits of his pastor by gathering his family around the altar of worship.  His patient submission to the will of God and his reliance on his Divine Reedemer were marked and implicit down to the hour of his release. Once only, he expressed the fear that he was too anxious to depart and be with Christ. His last words to his sorrowing children as they gathered about his bedside to receive his parting blessing, expressed the burden of his heart – after exhorting them to fidelity and earnestness in the great work of life, he said with solemn emphasis: “Children, I want you all to lead a Godly life.” Thus has passed away to his appointed rest, this father in Israel. His record is on high. His end is peace. “Let me die the death of the righteous, and let my last end be like his.”  G.  

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