JOHNSON, McClean - Putnam

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Source: Daily Tribune, Terre Haute, Vigo County, 4 December 1915

BRAZIL, Ind., Dec. 4.-County Treasurer McClean Johnson died very suddenly at his home, 912 South Walnut street, shortly before 7 o'clock last night of neuralgia of the heart, aged 51 years. Mr. Johnson had been in good health up until a short time ago, when he suffered attacks, which physicians were unable to diagnose. Yesterday afternoon about 3 o'clock he was taken with one of the attacks and was advised to go home, but remained at the office. Later Auditor Graeser found him lying on a settee in the lobby of the court house in a serious condition. A physician was called and he was taken home, where he improved. He was lying on a lounge at his home when he was stricken with the fatal attack, and died in a few minutes.
The deceased was born in Jackson township, where he had lived most of his life, tilling his farm and teaching school in the winter. In 1912 he was elected county treasurer and his term would have expired the first of the year. The board of commissioners will meet Monday to fill the vacancy and County Treasurer-elect Thomas Swinehart will probably be appointed to fill the unexpired term. The deceased is survived by a widow and one daughter. - thanks so much to MLH for these !!

Source: Herald-Democrat, Greencastle, Putnam County, 10 December 1915

Black Hawk News -- Several from this vicinity attended the funeral of McClean Johnson at Wesley Chapel Monday.

Source: Daily Tribune,Terre Haute, Vigo County, 5 December 1915

By Special Correspondent. BRAZIL,. Ind,  Dec. 4 -The funeral of the late County Treasurer McClean Johnson will be held at the First M. E. church at 10o'clock Monday morning, Rev. Benson officiating.  Interment will be at the McCullough cemetery. Friends may call at the residence, 912 South Walnut street, between 10 and 12 a. m. and 2 to 5  p.m. Sunday.

Source: Brazil Times  December 1915 From Brazil Newspaper-Brazil, IN

This community was shocked this evening by the news of the sudden death of  County Treasurer McClean Johnson, which occurred a few minutes after seven o'clock at the family home, 912 South Walnut Street, of angina pectoris, commonly known as neuralgia. His death was very sudden, many of his friends in the community being unaware that he was not in excellent health.  In fact the family was unprepared for his death because he was always cheerful and optimistic when with them.  Mr. Johnson first suffered severe pains in his heart one week from last Sunday, while he was driving to his farm in Jackson Township.  The pains soon passed away and Mr. Johnson thought they were due to a cold.  A subsequent attack was suffered one week from last Wednesday and another last Saturday.  At 2:20 o'clock yesterday afternoon he was at work as usual at the court house. when he again suffered severe pains in the heart. At this time he was persuaded to call  a physician ,and Dr. Harry Elliott was summoned.  While admitting that he was worried about his condition, Mr. Johnson did not consider his ailment serious.  He was persuaded by Dr. Elliott to ride home with him in an automobile.   Mr.  Johnson walked into his house telling Dr. Elliott that he felt much better. It was only a short time afterwards that he felt another attack coming on and lay down on the sofa.  Physicians were again summoned, but this attack was the fatal one, and he breathed only once after Dr. Elliott arrived. By his death Brazil (IN) loses a good citizen, active in civic and political affairs and always supporting those things which were honorable and upright.  His family loses a devoted husband and father, whose
one desire was to create an atmosphere of comfort for those he loved. The sympathy of the entire county is with them in their loss.  He was born Sept. 12, 1864, in Putnam County, but has lived in Clay County and Jackson Township, where he served as a teacher until fours years ago when he was chosen County Treasurer.  In this office, which would have ended, December 31, he served his county most efficiently. Mr. Johnson was a member of the K. of  P. Lodge at Asherville and the Men's Bible Class of the First  Methodist  Church here.  In 1886 he was married to Margaret Boyd, of Jackson Township.  To this union were born three children, two of whom, an infant and a four year old daughter, Florence have preceded their Father and Miss Verta, who is a teacher in the Latin department of the High School.  There survive, beside the widow and daughter, the aged mother, Mrs. Oliver Johnson, three brothers, Oliver, Henry and William and three sisters, Mrs.  Joseph Acree, Mrs. John Dobson and Mrs. Charles Palm.  His father, Oliver Johnson and sister, Mrs. Bertha Loudermilk, have preceded  him.

Mr. Johnson was one of Brazil's most progressive and upright citizens, a man of high ideals and sterling worth.  His activities have been many and varied, to each of which he has lent the full value of an unblemished and noble character.
Friends are invited to call at the residence Sunday from 10 to 12:00 o'clock in the morning and from 2 to 5 in the afternoon.  The funeral services will be held at the First Methodist Church with Rev. Henson, assisted by Rev.  Duncan officiating on Monday, Dec. 6, at 10 o'clock.

The vacancy in the county government left by the sad death will be filled by the County Commissioners in session next Monday.  It is likely that Thomas Swinehart, who takes his office January 1, will be appointed to fill the unexpired term of four weeks.

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