JOHNSON, Mary Alice - Putnam

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JOHNSON, Mary Alice

Source: Indianapolis News 15 Jan 1951 p12

Funeral services for Miss Mary Alice Johnson, 85, a retired school teacher were held today at Shirley Brothers Irving Hill Chapel. Burial was in Brick Chapel Cemetery near Greensburg (sic).  Miss Johnson, a rural school teacher for 50 years, taught in Putnam, Montgomery, Decatur, Washington and Boone Counties. She lived at 5437 Julian Ave and died Friday (12th) at Methodist Hospital. – kz

Note: Her death records says fell on living room floor – taken to hospital where she was for 14 days.  She fractured her left hip.  Born: Aug 19, 1865 – parents unknown “School teacher” – Buried Brick Chapel Cemetery near Greencastle, Ind.  Shirley Brother, funeral directors.

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