JAMES, Matthew F. - Putnam

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JAMES, Matthew F.

Source: Greencastle Herald 2 Sept 1907 p1

Matthew F. James, father of Attorney John H. James of this city and one of the oldest pioneers of western Indiana died Sunday evening at 7:40 o’clock at the residence of his son of West Columbia Street.  Death resulted from old age and general debility and occurred but a few days after the old gentleman returned from St. Louis where he had been visiting another son.  Mr. James was one of the oldest citizens of this county being at the time of his death in his 92nd year. He was born at Lexington, Ky and at an early date shortly after his marriage to Miss Eliza Turpin which occurred in 1837 he came to Indiana and settled at Parkersburg, Montgomery County.  Here he embarked in the merchandise business, conducting one of the largest department stores in the place for many years.  It was during his residence at Parkersburg that a sad misfortune befell Mr. James. In 1866, probably the severest tornado ever known  in this part of the country swept through Montgomery and Putnam Counties, destroying everything in its path.  Mr. James owned one of the finest farms in his neighborhood and had moved his family to it but a few days prior to the cyclone. As a result of the storm’s ravage one child, a daughter, was killed outright, several of the other members of the family injured and the buildings on the farm totally wrecked.  This was a terrible blow to Mr. James and almost ruined his business as well as his home.  A short time later he moved to Ladoga and set in to regain his lost ground.  He succeeded in building up a large business which he sold and then moved to Kansas. This was in the early 80s and after he had resided in the Sunflower State for several years, having not found as great a success as he had in Indiana, he returned to the scene of his earlier life.  In 1870 Mrs. James died at Ladoga and since that time Mr. James made his home with his children of whom he leaves six, three having preceded him in death. The survivors are: George W. James of Andrews, Ind; Daniel V, St. Louis; Thomas S. of Indian Territory; Mary of Denver, Colo; Alice, Cherryvale, Kas and Ex-Mayor John H. James of this city. Deceased was a consistent member of the Christian Church but was identified with no secret organizations, being satisfied with the brotherhood found in his everyday life and business relations and the love of his home and neighbors. The funeral services will be held at the residence of John H. James at 7:30 o’clock this evening and early tomorrow morning the remains will be taken overland to Parkersburg where interment will be made in the deceased’s private cemetery. Elder Cauble of the Christian Church of this city will conduct the services.  

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