Jacobs - John - Putnam

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Jacobs - John

Source: Greencastle Herald 2 Sept 1907 p1

John Jacobs of Floyd Township one of the well known farmers of Putnam County died Saturday night at 10 o’clock at the home of one of his neighbors, Jonathan Hansell. Death was the result of inflammation of the bowels and stomach of which he had been ill but a few days. Mr. Jacobs had called on his neighbor to attend to some business connected with their farms when he suddenly became ill.  His illness grew rose and it was found impossible to take the stricken man to his home. Medical aid was summoned but other than relieve temporarily the pain, nothing could be done. He lingered until Saturday night when he passed away. The deceased was well known in Greencastle as well as throughout the county.  He made many friends a few years ago when he ran for the Democratic nomination for sheriff but was defeated by a small majority. He was also identified with the fancy stock men of the county and was the owner of several fine horses. He was a lawyer and member of the local bar but had ceased practice. Mr. Jacobs leaves a widow and six children, most of whom have reached maturity.  At the time of his death Mr. Jacobs was about 58 years old. The funeral was held Monday morning at the Christian Church at Fillmore and was conducted by Elder Airhart.  

Source: Greencastle Star-Democrat 6 Sept 1907 p 8

Somerset news items – Willliam Jackson and family were called near Bainbridge by the serious illness and death of his brother-in-law, John Jacobs.

Tater Ridge news item – Death entered our midst Saturday night at 11 o’clock and took Mr. John Jacobs, who had been taken suddenly ill at the home of John Hensell last Monday. He leaves a wife and six children to mourn his loss. The funeral and burial  occurred at Fillmore. Rev. Airhart conducted the funeral.  We extend our sympathy to the wife, children and friends.

Fairview Hill news item – The death of Mr. John Jacobs occurred Saturday night at the home of Mr. Jonathan Hansell, where he took suddenly ill Monday. The family have the heartfelt sympathy of the community.

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