JACKSON, Scott - Putnam

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Source: Crawfordsville Review 27 March 1897 p 1

The body of Scott Jackson, one of the murderers of Pearl Bryan, was cremated within 12 hours of his execution at Newport, KY last Saturday. The Cincinnati Enquirer regarding the cremation says, “It was the desire of Mrs. Jackson that the body of her son should be cremated. She is a highly strung, nervous and proud woman, even though events have taken place that would humble the pride of any ordinary person. Ever since it was decided that her boy had but little chance of escaping the gallows there has been more or less talk of where his remains should be interred.  When it was suggested they were to be taken to Greencastle and laid to rest in the same cemetery in which the mutilated body of Miss Bryan sleeps there was a general outcry on the part of the people of that town. So wright up did they become that it was officially announced by the directors of the cemetery that interment would not be permitted there.  It is not known that Mrs. Jackson or her daughter ever seriously contemplated burying their son and brother there.  It is not likely that the sensitive woman would care to have his resting place pointed out as the grave of a murderer. As it now stands the ashes will be placed in a small urn that can be carried about at will or quietly deposited in the family lot at some future time when public feeling has become more charitable.

Concerning Will Wood, who was the direct cause of the murder of Pearl Bryan and the execution of the murderers last Saturday at Newport, Ky the Cincinnati Enquirer says: Will Wood is at present located in Crawfordsville, Ind where a watchful eye is kept on his movements. This undoubtedly is an error. Will Wood has not been in Crawfordsville for over a year. He is a cousin, we understand of Mr. McKee, the feed and flour dealer on South Washington Street and has other relatives in this county but none of these people have seen him for a year or more. After his release by the court from his short imprisonment for his connection with the Pearl Bryan affair, he wisely left Putnam County for future safety and it is generally understood is in Michigan studying for the practice of medicine. - transcribed by kbz
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