Ireland, John - Putnam

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Ireland, John

Source: Huntington Indiana Daily News-Democrat 2 Sept 1897 Thu p 2

Greencastle, Sept 2- John Ireland, aged 71 of the firm of Goulding & Ireland pioneer manufacturers of this city died of paralysis. His father, who recently celebrated his 100th birthday at the old family homestead in Kentucky survives him.

Source: Greencastle Banner and Times 30 Aug 1897 p 1

The death of John Ireland, one of Greencastle’s oldest business men, occurred Sunday evening at ten o'clock. Between three and four o'clock on Tuesday morning, August 24. He was first stricken with paralysis, his entire left side being almost entirely disabled.  From that hour until the time of his death, his vitality gradually grew less.  Mr. Ireland was seventy-one years of age at the time of his death.  His birth place was in Kentucky near the present site of Skillman.  When he was a young man he came to this part of the state and has been in milling business in some form ever since.  It was in 1857 that he and Wm. O. Goulding formed a partnership in the finished lumber traffic and built a mill on north Jackson street.  In 1866 they removed to the present location of their planning mill.  The partnership has frequently been spoken of as being remarkable for the fact that during the forty years it has existed, no trouble between the two members of the firm has ever come up. Mr. Ireland's father recently celebrated his lOOth anniversary at his home in Kentucky and the son, himself over seventy, attended. The deceased has one sister, Mrs. Oliver, of this city, and three brothers, Thomas, of Kentucky; William of Evansville; Rueben of Lawrenceburg. The late Mrs. Wm. Johnson of Indianapolis, Mrs. Frank Smith of Brazil were his daughters, besides one daughter who has been making her home with him.  The funeral services will occur Wednesday afternoon at 3 o’clock in the Christian Church of which Mr. Ireland was a member.  Elder Morris will have charge of the service. - kbz

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