Source: Greencastle Banner, 10 April 1879 p 7
The committees of Odd Fellows and Forresters who accompanied the remains of Mr. Husher to Terre Haute Tuesday speak in the highest terms of the hospitality of Fort Harrison Lodge 157 IOOF of that city, which entertained them and others who accompanied the remains at the Terre Haute House.
Different column – Death of JW Husher
Source: Greencastle Banner, 10 April 1879 p 7
JW Husher committed suicide Sunday by cutting his throat with a razor. He had been sick for several weeks and confined to his bed. For a day or two he had been much improved, being able since Saturday morning to take his meals while sitting in his chair. At about 10:30 o’clock Sunday morning he requested his niece, Miss Alice P. Talbott who has been staying with them to bring him a drawer from his desk as he wanted to get some cough lozengers that were in it. When it was brought to him he secreted the razor it is supposed from it under the bed clothing. He then called his wife and requested her to read to him. While she was reading near noon he made a slash at his throat with the razor cutting a gash which did not sever the windpipe nor important blood vessels. Hearing a gurgling sound, Mrs. Husher looked toward him and discovered that he was bleeding. At first she though the hemorrhage was from the lungs but at that moment she saw the razor and realized the situation. She only succeeded in taking the razor from him after a struggle in which she was cut on one of her hands. Drs. Ellis & Smith were called and sewed up the wound which was not dangerous. While they were preparing to make a hypodermic injection of morphine he became unmanageable and tore open the wound before it could be prevented, lacerating the trachea. He was finally overcome and the wound dressed a second time but in half an hour he made a convulsive struggle, a gurling was heard and he was dead, being suffocated by the blood entering the trachea. A post mortem examination the next day revealed the fact that the deceased was suffering from pleura pneumonia, having active inflammation in the left lung and pleura with large effusion into the pleura cavity; the right pleura was adherent to that lung throughout with inflammation while there was chalky secretions in both lungs. The brain revealed cerebral inflammation with plastic adhesions gluing the arachnoid membranes to the brain structure; also nearly three ounces of effusion on the brain. Either the lung or the brain trouble would have resulted in death within a few days and the physicians were of opinion that the effort at self-destruction was the result of temporary insanity, caused by the diseased condition of the brain. Mr. Husher was once a student of Asbury University and afterward taught school in this city. He was for many years engage din the photograph business at Terre Haute, and continued in that business after removing here five or six years since. He was a member of Roberts Chapel and took much interest in church and Sunday School affairs. The funeral took place from his rooms in Bayne’s Block, Tuesday morning at 8 o’clock conducted by Dr IW Joyce and under the charge of Greencastle Lodge 348, Putnam Lodge 45 and Greencastle Encampment 59, IOOF, the deceased being a member of that order. The remains were borne to Terre Haute by the 9:30 train on the I& St. L road accompanied by about 20 persons, include Dr. Joyce, committees from the Odd Fellows and Forresters and members of the family. At Terre Haute they were received by the Fort Harrison Lodge 157, IOOF to which Mrs. Husher belonged and escorted to the cemetery where the final burial services were held in accordance with the rites of that order, the ceremonies being closed by his pastor, Dr. Joyce. Mr. Husher’s widow was his third wife. He also leaves a son by his first wife, aged 16 years. His own age was 52 years. His life was insured for $5,400 and he was otherwise in comfortable circumstances.
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal 3 March 1859 p 1
Bainbridge, Feb 18th, 1859 – The Association met pursuant to adjournment in the Chapel of the Bainbridge Academy. The Lecturer of the evening not being present, remarks were made by G. Williams, RM Johnson and DE Hunter after which adjourned to Saturday morning 9 o’clock. Saturday Morning – Association convened near the time adjourned to and was called to order by Miss E. Williams, V Pres. Opportunity being given for new members L Scott, JW Husher and Miss Nettie Orvis joined the association. On motion of G Williams, Fri eve and Sat March 18 and 19th and Bainbridge were fixed upon as the time and place of the next meeting. On motion, Hunter Scott and Miss Stowell were appointed committee to prepare business for next meeting. LS Kilborn then conducted an exercise in Arithmetic, exhibiting his manner of teaching numeration. The exercise was pretty generally discussed by the teachers present. Adjourned to 1 ½ p.m. Afternoon Session – The Association was called to order by Miss E. Williams, VP. On motion of LS Kilborn: Resolved, that we open and close our meetings with prayer or reading a portion of Scripture. Opportunity was given for new members when Miss SS McCord, Miss C Yeats and Miss A. Dunnington became members. The business committee reported the following order for next meeting which was approved and adopted. Fri eve – Inaugural address of pres. Sat morning – 1st, business; 2d orthography by RM Johnson; 3d Discussion; 4th Arithmetic by LS Kilborn; 5th Discussion; 6th fixing time and place of next meeting. Afternoon – 1st, business 2nd Penmanship by JW Husher; 3d Discussion; 4th English Grammar by Miss E. Williams 5th Discussion; 6th Report; 7th Discussion 8th other business. Miss E. Williams conducted an exercise in English Grammar in which the teachers discussed at some length the construction and analysis of several sentences in common use. This exercise was one of the most interesting and instructive features of the meeting and fully demonstrated to all that the Teacher had thoroughly mastered her subject. DE Hunter requested permission to resign his position as Editor of the Educational Column of Putnam Banner. The Association refused its consent but appointed Miss Stowell and JW Husher to assist him in his duties. Wm. Johnson and Waldron were appointed a committee to have printed and circulated letters of invitation requesting teachers to attend our Association. On motion of JW Husher, the Ministers of the Gospel are requested to publish the time and place of the next meeting of the Association from their several pulpits. Prayer was offered by Mr. Corsad when the meeting adjourned – Miss E. Williams, Pres – LS Kilborn, Secy.