GIFFORD, Maria - Putnam

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Source: Greencastle Banner April 22, 1875 p 3
DIED in South Greencastle, April 13th 1875 Maria wife of Nelson Gifford, aged 42 years 5 months and 43 days. At a meeting at College City Lodge, No 9 AOUW the following resolutions of sympathy were adopted: Whereas the Allwise God has chosen to call from among us the wife of our beloved brother, Nelson Gifford to that home not made with hands eternal in the heavens; therefore be it resolved, that we deeply sympathize with our beloved brother in his sad bereavements in the loss of a loving wife and kind and affectionate mother of his children.  Resolved, that while the loss will be deeply felt by our beloved brother, yet it is the will of the Allwise who does all things for the best.  Resolved that the foregoing be spread upon the records of the Lodge and a copy sent to the Brother.
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