DAVIS, Elizabeth - 1884
Source: Greencastle Banner 14 Aug 1884 p 3
Elizabeth Davis, who resided with her son, Henry W. Davis near Clinton Falls went to visit with her granddaughter. Mrs. Samuel Lloyd, three miles west of Brick Chapel about two weeks since, Sunday morning the family went to church, leaving her at home alone. There was no fire about the house, except in a fireplace and this they covered over before they left. It is supposed that she endeavored to reach something on the mantle piece above the fire place and in doing so her dress came in contact with the coals and took fire. When the family returned from church they were horrified to find her in the yard, a few feet from the house burned to a crisp and her clothing all gone except her shoes and cap. It was indeed a terrible sight. Numerous places were found both in the house and outdoors where she had endeavored to subdue the flames and in one place she had evidently fallen to the ground, but regained her feet in her desperate effort to free herself from the fire. The steps leading to the door were burning and in a short time the entire house would have been in flames. Mrs. Davis was 91 years old and had lived in this county many years. Her husband died several years ago since which time she had been living with her children. The funeral occurred Monday, her remains being interred in a cemetery in Parke County a few miles northwest of Portland Mills. On the occasion of her last birthday not long ago, her numerous descendents gathered about her and with loving words made her presents of such things as were suitable to her age. It was a happy time. They little thought then that her end was so near, although she was so old or that it would be so terrible. James Y. Davis of Cloverdale and William Davis postmaster at Clinton Falls are her grandsons.