DARNALL,, Emelia - Putnam

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DARNALL,, Emelia

Source: Greencastle Banner 21 Jan 1875 p 2

One by one they cross over.  Emelia Darnall, consort of the late Wm. G. Darnall, died at the residence of her son, Levi W. Darnall near Bainbridge, Putnam County Ind on Jan 10, 1875 from an attack of pneumonia after an illness of only a few days.  Aunt Milly as she was familiarly known was born in Montgomery County Kentucky Dec 30, 1798 and was therefore at the time of her demise, 76 years and 11 days old. She was married Sept 16, 1821 and removed with her husband from KY to Monroe Township, Putnam County, Ind in the year 1834.  She had consequently been a citizen of this vicinity for 41 years. She united with the Baptist Church at Grassy Lick, Ky under the preaching of John Smith during his ministration as a Baptist.  Aunt Milly Darnall was the mother of 9 children – four living, five dead.  Of those dead two died in early life; one in the morning of his promise and two obedient to the call of patriotism volunteered in the service of a threatened union; one falling a victim to a disease incident to camp life, the other, the prey to a rebel bullet while leading his men in the thickest of the fighting.  In the subject of this memoir has passed away one of the pioneers having lived a life of years, experience and good work.  It is my pleasure to be able to say that the beter she was known, the more she was loved and esteemed. Her faith toward God, found its manifestation and expression in her deeds of love and charity toward humankind. Her name was as familiar as household words.  Never, I feel warranted in saying was an unkind word spoken in reference to Aunt Milly Darnall.  In days of health, whenever it was demanded she was to be found at the sick bed of some friend or acquaintance, assisting in the alleviations of bodily wants and pains or administering words of comfort to the disconsolate and broken in spirit in the hour of trial and affliction.  She possessed a generosity of sol rarely equaled.  Cheerfulness of spirit was her constant attendant in all the labors of life. With a smile, a kind word and a charity for all she lived and dying, has left a name engraven upon the tablets of the hearts of those with whom she lived, which shall serve as a momentum to her memory more lasting by far than the marble slab that may mark her resting place.  Verily she hath ceased from her labors and her works do follow her.

Source: Greencastle Banner 14 Jan 1875 p 3

DIED near Bainbridge, Ind on the night of Jan 10, 1875 Mrs. Emily Darnall of typhoid pneumonia in the 76th year of her age after an illness of 7 days.

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