CRUMP, George W. - Putnam

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CRUMP, George W.

Source: Daily Banner 7 April 1958 p 1

Last rites for George W. Crump will be held Tuesday at 2:00 p.m. from the Rector Funeral Home. Rev. Samuel Carruth will be in charge. Interment will be in Forest Hill Cemetery. Pallbearers will be Raymond Bee, Arthur Perry, Fred Snively, Glen, Charles and Morris Sillery.
Source; Daily Banner 5 May 1958 p 5

Notice of Administration: In the Circuit Court of Putnam County, Indiana. Notice is hereby given that Lawrence W. Crump was on the 11 day of April 1958, appointed Administrator of the estate of George W. Crump, deceased. All persons having claims against said estate, whether or not now due, must file the same in said court within six () months from the date of the first publication of this notice or said claims will be forever barred. Dated at Greencastle, Indiana 11 April 1958. Wm. R. Padgett, Clerk of Circuit Court for Putnam Co IN Probated Cause No 9790. FG Stoessel, Atty.  

Source: Indianapolis News 7 April 1958 p 7

Greencastle- Rites will be held tomorrow for George W. Crump, 86, retired DePauw University maintenance employee.  Mr. Crump died here Friday at the home of a son, Lawrence.  He worked at DePauw for more than 40 years, retiring in 1952. Mr. Crump was born in Kentucky but spent most of his life in Putnam County. His wife, Gertrude died in 1904. Survivors besides the son include three daughters, Mrs. Roy Nugent, Greencastle; Mrs. Roy Sillery, Roachdale; and Ina Kimmeling, New Orleans, LA. Services will be at 2 p.m. tomorrow at the Rector Funeral Home.  

Source: Greencastle Daily Banner 5 April 1958 p 1

George W. Crump, age 86 died Friday evening at 7 p.. at the home of his son, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence W. Crump with whom he had made his home for the past six years.  Prior to that, he had lived with his daughter, Mrs. Roy Newgent.  Although in failing health for the past 5 weeks, his death came suddenly and was a great shock to his relatives and friends.  The deceased was born in Bowling Green, Kentucky but the family moved to Putnam County while he was a child.  He was educated in the schools of Putnam County living near Okalla, he attended that school and later the Limedale and Old Black school west of Greencastle.  As a  young man, he was employed as a clerk in several of the stores of Greencastle, but most of his life he was employed at DePauw, working there for over 40 years until 1952 when he retired.  "Colonel" as he was affectionately known by members of the DePauw faculty and graduates was of a cheerful nature and made many friends among the students, man of whom never failed to see or ask about him when they were back on the campus.  He was a great lover of flowers, especially roses and the home of his son has one of the most beautiful gardens in town as a result of his efforts.  Mr. Crump was united in marriage to Gertrude Foxx in 1894 who preceded him in death in 1904.  Mrs. Anna Long, a sister of his wife, who raised the family is also dead.  He is survived by four children, Mrs. Ina Kimmeling of New Orleans, La, Mrs. Roy Sillery of Roachdale, Indiana and Mrs. Roy Newgent and Lawrence Crump of this city.  Also 9 grandchildren and 14 great grandchildren.  The boy was taken to the Rector Funeral Home.  No funerl arrangements have been made butt will be announced later.  Friends may call at the funeral home.  - kbz
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