CHAPIN, Elisha Cowgill - CW - KIA
Source: Greencastle Banner 16 April 1863 p3
E. Cowgill Chapin, a young man well and favorably known in this community – a soldier in Capt. Jonas Seely’s Cavalry Company died at Nashville, Tenn on the 7th inst. His remains were brought home for interment (Greencastle City Cemetery).
GW Brown – Sir: The following resolutions upon the death of a most esteemed and worthy soldier, friend,
and Christian, have been put into my hands with the request that they be
published in the “Putnam Republican Banner.”
Mr. Elisha Cowgill Chapin died in Nashville, Tenn on the 7th
of April in the military hospital of typhoid fever, aged 31 years. Bro. Chapin
was an earnest Christian man – humble, cheerful, consistent and faithful. His presence and influence in the community
and in the church and sabbath school will be much missed. His life was by no means, barren of good
fruits. He was the noblest type of a man in these stirring, trying times – a
Christian soldier. He is another victim of this Godless rebellion in our land,
whose death calls loudly to God for just retribution upon the criminal authors
and aiders and abetters of this causeless rebellion. He died as he had lived in
humble reliance upon his Savior and in the full assurance of a blessed
immortality beyond the grave. May his
mantle fall upon the youthful soldiers and Christian who still survive him.
Yours respectfully HAR