BECK, John W. - Putnam

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BECK, John W.

Source: Greencastle Banner 28 Jan 1875 p3

At a meeting of the students of the Miami Medical College held on the above date, the undersigned, committee were appointed to draft the following preamble and resolutions expressive of the feelings of the students upon the death of the late John W. Beck: Whereas it has pleaded Divine Providence to remove from our midst a friend and fellow student whose suavity of manner commanded respect, whose honesty of purpose won admiration and whose friendship exacted the strongest attachment therefore – Resolved that we bow to our loss in sincere sorrow and deep grief but with Christian resignation to the ways of Almighty God whose ways though inscrubable are all wise and good. Resolved that we extend our heartfelt condolence to the family of our deceased friend in this their sad bereavement.  Resolved that in the death of the late John W. Beck, we have lost an earnest co-laborer; society, a useful and esteemed citizen; Christian charity and medical science an active and faithful advocate; his family a devoted son and brother. Resolved that these resolutions be sent to the papers of Greencastle, Ind for publication and that a copy of them be presented to the family of the deceased. Signed: JW Wenvight; WE Jeffries; Los Bison; CM Smick, Committee

Source: Greencastle Banner 28 Jan 1875 p3

Death has again visited the household of the Rev. S. Beck, pastor of Roberts Chapel. Last week his younger brother was buried; yesterday he followed the remains of his beloved wife to the grave.  Mrs. Beck was taken sick with a congestive chill Thursday night and continued to grow worse until the time of her death which occurred about noon on Monday.  Mr. Beck’s daughter has also been quite unwell for some days but is getting better at present.  

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