BECK, Elizabeth Ann
Source: Greencastle Banner 28 Jan 1875 p3
At a called meeting of members of the first charge ME Church of Greencastle convened Jan 26 1875 Dr. Andrus being called to the chair and Prof LL Rogers chosen secretary the following preamble and resolutions with the accompanying Memoir of our esteemed Sister Beck were unanimously adopted: Whereas in his all-wise providence our Heavenly Father has seen best to call from our midst, by a sudden and unexpected death, our dear Sister, Elizabeth A. Beck, wife of our beloved pastor, Ray B. Beck thereby depriving our Brother of a devoted wife and his children of a tender and loving mother. Therefore be it Resolve 1 – that we tender to our Brother and his sorrow stricken family our heartfelt sympathies and condolence in this the hour of their deepest sorrow and severest possible bereavement. Resolved 2 – that we will humbly and fervently petition the throne of Divine grace in their behalf; that the presence of the blessed comforter may be with them as they tread this deeply shadowy and rough part of life’s pathway. Resolved 3 – that we recognize in the death of our Sister, a sore bereavement both to ourselves, personally and to the church. Resolved 4 – that a copy of these resolutions be rendered to the family of the deceased and also that they be published in the city papers and in the Western and North Western Christian Advocates.
Mrs. Elizabeth Ann Beck was born near Springfield, Ion Nov 21, 1832 and departed this life in Greencastle Jan 25, 1875 at 12 m (sic). She was the second daughter of Andrew and Margaret Adam. When she was but two years of age, her parents moved to Wayne Co Ind and in 1850 she removed with them to Putnam County, Ind. Here on Nov 23, 1854 she was married to Rev. Samuel Beck, her now bereaved husband. About a month after marriage she was happily converted to God and joined the ME Church at old Wesley Chapel in Putnam County. From the day of her conversion to the time of her death she remained a constant Christian in character and life.
In all relations of a life she proved herself a true and noble woman: as a wife, she was ever thoughtful and careful of her husband’s interests. When he felt himself called to God to enter the active work of the ministry of the ME Church she cheerfully assumed the toils and privations of an itinerate wife. She was eminently domestic in her tastes and quiet and retiring in her disposition and habits. She was always best pleased to be loved and admired at home. As a mother she was peculiary tender, affectionate and mindful of her children’s interests. And while with busy hands she provided for their physical wants she was ever tenderly and prayerfully mindful of their moral and spiritual good. In the bosom of her family she found the highest sphere of usefulness and while not indifferent to, or neglectful of the duties of a pastor’s wife yet carefully watched over all of her home interests. As a fitting sequel to her quiet, devoted Christian life – when death came it found her ready. And, though suddenly called, she was found on the watchtower. On the morning of the 25th when she found she must go she calmly killed her family goodbye, gave each her parting blessing and sweetly fell asleep in Jesus. Farewell dear sister, until we meet thee in the Sweet by and by. JF Darnell, LL Reese ?, CA Brooke, committee
Source: Greencastle Banner 28 Jan 1875 p3
DIED – in Greencastle Jan 25, 1875 of typhoid pneumonia, Elisabeth (sic) wife of Rev. S. Beck, pastor of 1st Charge ME Church of this city, aged 42 years after an illness of a few days.
Source: Greencastle Banner 28 Jan 1875 p3
Death has again visited the household of the Rev. S. Beck, pastor of Roberts Chapel. Last week his younger brother was buried; yesterday he followed the remains of his beloved wife to the grave. Mrs. Beck was taken sick with a congestive chill Thursday night and continued to grow worse until the time of her death which occurred about noon on Monday. Mr. Beck’s daughter has also been quite unwell for some days but is getting better at present.