AUSTIN, Delilah - Putnam

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AUSTIN, Delilah


Source: Greencastle Herald, 11 Jan 1919

The death of Miss Delilah Austin, age 17, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leon Austin, who live just north of town near the waterworks pumpking station, occurred this afternoon at 1:30 o'clock of pneumonia. She is the third member of the family to die of the disease in the past 10 days. The death of a brother and sister occurred within a few hours of each other only a few days ago.  Mrs. Austin, the mother, who has been very ill, is reported this afternoon to be improving.

At one time the entire family were ill of the influenza. Eight members of the family were confined to their beds at the same time. No final arrangements have been made for the burial of Miss Delilah Austin. - kbz

Source: Greencastle Herald, 13 January 1919

The funeral of Miss Delilah Austin,  daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leon Austin, who died of pneumonia, will be held tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock at the home just north of town. The Rev. Nichols will conducte the service. Burial will be in the Brick Chapel cemetery - kbz
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