ANDERSON, William H - CW - d of disease
Source: Greencastle Banner 22 Jan 1863 p 3 c1
Gallatin, Tennessee Jan 3d, 1863 – William H. Anderson, a beloved member of the 18th Indiana Battery and a resident of Putnam County, Indiana died in this place in the hospital Dec 27th 1862. He was a young man of good attainments, strictly moral and truly to the young, an example of piety. He died in the prime of life and his departure our Battery suffers an irreparable loss; but we have every reason to believe that the loss it sustains in his departure will be to him everlasting gain. His soul having been filled with Patriotism caused him to leave behind a kind father, an affectionate mother, beloved brothers and sisters , and many other kind friends all for what? Why to help defend and maintain the honor of that old flag which has so long floated through the breeze and over the hilltops of our once happy land. But he became prostrated, was thrown upon his bed of straw; lay for weeks racked with pain and scorched with fever until death visited him and he is now gone to that borne whence no traveler returns. Yet he deserved a name among the Heroes of our land. He died calm and easy, having the assurance within himself that “All is well! All is well!” But he has gone home to glory to rest in peace, where trials, hardships, difficulties and wars are heard of no more forever.
Source: Greencastle Banner 22 Jan 1863 p 3 c2
William H. Anderson, a son of John Anderson, Esq of Madison Township departed this life a short time since in one of the hospitals in Tenn whither he went in defence of his country. Young Anderson was a noble, promising youth and although he did not fall on the field of battle, he has evinced no less patriotism than those who have thus fallen. He was shown a willingness to engage in the conflict but was stricken down before being brought in contact with the enemy of his country. He was formerly a student of Asbury University at this place. We learn that his remains will be brought here for interment. -kbz