Source: The Military History of Putnam County, Indiana Facebook page (Jordan Vaughn)
Source: Indianapolis News Thursday 3 February 1944 p 5
Mr. and Mrs. James Anderson of Russellville have received a letter from the War Department confirming a recent message sent by cablegram telling of the death in actionof their son, Donald (Leon Anderson) on January 7, 1944.
Donald was born March 3, 1918. He graduated from Russellvile High School with the Class of 1937. In August 1940 he enlisted in the U.S. Army and received his basic training at Fort Knox, Ky., in an armored command. He left for overseas duty in May 1943.

Source: Crawfordsville Journal-Review,
Crawfordsville, Montgomery County, Indiana, Feb 1944 p 1
Russellville, Feb 1 - Cpl. Leon Anderson, age 23, one of the two sons of Mr. and Mrs. James Anderson of Russellville in the armed forces overseas, was killed in action in the Italian War theater on Jauary 7, according to word that has just been received by relatives here from the department of war. Cpl. Anderson had been in the service more than a year. He went overseas six months ago. A graduate of Russellville HS he had always lived here. Cpl. Anderson's brother, Sgt Everett Anderson is an army engineer, located somewhere in North Africa. In addition to the brother, and the parents, Cpl. Anderson is survived by 3 sisters: Mrs. Mildred Alexander; Miss Thelma Anderson and Miss Dorothea Anderson all of whom live in Anderson. - kbz
Source: Roachdale Times News 27 January 1944
Anderson, Cpl. Leon, one of two sons of Mr. and Mrs. James Lee Anderson of Russellville was killed in Action in Sicily January 7. In the Army for a little over a year, Cpl. Anderson had been overseas six months. He was a lifelong resident of Russellville and a graduate of Russellville school. A brother, Sgt. Everett Anderson, is also an Army Engineer stationed in North Africa. Also surviving are the parents, three sisters; Mrs. Mildred Alexander, Miss Thelma Anderson, and Miss Dorthea Anderson all of Indianapolis. - thanks MW