ALSPAUGH, C. I. - Putnam

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Source: Waveland Independent,
Waveland, Montgomery County, Indiana

Jan 22, 1926 - A letter from his daughter, Mrs. EV Evans received here yesterday stated that CI Alspaugh died in Livingston, Montana on Sunday. Funeral services were held at the home on Tuesday. The many friends of "Chris" will regret very much to hear of his death. In the last letter received by the Independent from him he said that if business remained good he expected to see Indiana next year.

Source: Waveland Independent,
Waveland, Montgomery County, Indiana, Nov. 2, 1928

For many years it has been the custom of C.I. Alspaugh, a former resident to send this office a marked copy of the Livingstone, Montana, Enterprise whenever there was an item of local interest. On Monday a copy came and on looking for the marked item we were shocked to see it headed: "CI Alspaugh Dead." When he was here last he was so cheerful and full of life that he looked good for a hundred years. Death occurred on Wednesday of last week. The Biography will be given next week.

Source: Waveland Independent,
Waveland, Montgomery County, Indiana, Nov. 9, 1928

Death again entered the ranks of Livingston's business fraternity Wednesday morning to claim C.I. Alspaugh, 76, father of Frank and Joe Alspaugh and Mrs. Jessica Evans. Coming to Livingston in 1908 from Waveland, Indiana, Mr. Alspaugh opened a harness saddlery and mixed leather goods store and until two years ago when he increased his stock of bags and leather goods to a percentage greater than that carried in harness, he was known as one of the three of four leading harness business houses in the entire state, the other men in this line having been forced out with the advent of the automobile. Death came Wed. morning at 7 o'clock at the home of his son, Frank, 220 S. Yellowstone Street. Saturday night the patient suffered a turn for the worse, and Sunday morning lapsed into unconsciousness, in which condition he remained until his passing. Beside the sons he is survived by 3 grandchildren, Miss Ellen, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Alspaugh, who is attending the Frances Shimer School at Mt. Carroll, Ill; and by Frances Jean and David, daughter and son of Mr. and Mrs. Don Evans. A sister, Mrs. Fannie Wells of Greencastle, Indiana who visited here two years ago and at whose home the deceased was a guest several months during the summer of 1927, also survives him. Mrs. Alspaugh preceded her husband in death, Jan 17, 1926. Deceased is a member of all Masonic bodies except the 33rd degree. A number of years ago he was made a member of the Knight Commander Court of Honor, one of the preliminary degrees to the 33rd and a degree higher than the 32nd. In addition to the Blue, York and Scottish Rite bodies of Masonry, he was also a member of the Algerie Temple, Nobles of the Mystic Shrine. Until his recent heart attack, which proved fatal, Mr. Alspaugh has enjoyed excellent health, and his illness has been a shock to a host of warm personal friends. Rev. S.R. McCarty will have charge of the services, and carrying out a request of years, standing between the two men, Lewis Terwilliger has been requested to make a few remarks, which he said Wed. would be in the nature of an eulogy. Livingston (Montana) Enterprise.

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