Jasper, Indiana Herald Sat 16 July 1960 p 2
A Putnam
County Township Trustee and a former township trustee in Hamilton County were
among the latest victims of traffic accidents in Indiana. Eli B. Aker, 46 of
Greencastle, the trustee of Madison Township in Putnam County died at 7:30 a.m.
Friday in the Clay County Hospital in Brazil as the result of injuries suffered
at 9:30 p.m. Thursday in a two-car crash two miles north of Carbon. He was pinned in the rear of a car drive by a
son, John, 19. Aker’s wife, Maurine, 45 and his son’s wife, Janet 20 were
injured seriously. State Police said the Aker car was making a left turn off
Ind 59 when it was struck broadside by a car drive by Donald F. Chiles, 44, of
Rt. 3, Rockville. Chiles had just passed
a truck on the right. The truck was also making a turn. - kbz