Wise, W.E. - Mary McCRAY - Putnam

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Wise, W.E. - Mary McCRAY

Source: Greencastle Star, 27 March 1880 p 5

Double Wedding - At the residence of Mr. Fleming McCray of Washington Township, on Thursday evening March 18 when Mr. WE Wise of Floyd Township and Miss Mary F. McCray, Mr. Robert L. Howlett of Kentucky and Miss Emma F. McCray were married. Among those present we noticed Mr. James Ogle and wife of Muncie, Ind; Miss Jennie Walls of Limedale; Miss Lizzie Hall, Laura McCray, Hattie McCray, Mr. Charles Hall, Shields McCray and others from Brick Chapel. The ceremony was impressively performed by Rev. WA Smith of Bainbridge Circuit after which a feast of good things invitingly spread was enjoyed by all. The evening was characterized by congratulations  to the happy couples smiling faces, pleasant jokes and soul-stirring music until a late hour. Perfect harmony and good will to all reigned throughout. The home of Mrs. Mary F. Wise will be near Fillmore and of Mrs. Emma F. Howlett near Brick Chapel. May the life of each be a happy life.
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