priest, harry _ murphy, gladys - Putnam

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priest, harry _ murphy, gladys

Gladys Murphy and Harry W. Priest

Source: NEWSPAPER: Announcement Sept. 9, 1915

Wedding in Clerk's Office

The east room of the Clerk's office was the scene of another pretty wedding Saturday morning when Harry W. Priest of Putnam County and Gladys Murphy of Quincy were married by Rev. F. E. Davison, pastor of the Spencer Christian church.

The young people were accompanied by Thomas A. Coshow, Lily Cully and other friends who saw them start on what we believe will be a happy married life. They will make their home at Bainbridge, Putnam County.

The Clerk's office has become the chief marrying parlor in the town and County Clerk Clark says he is going to have it decorated so that the majority of the weddings in the county will take place there.

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