Moss, Mildred - Claude Vanatti - Putnam

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Moss, Mildred - Claude Vanatti

Source: The Daily Banner, Greencastle, Putnam County, 29 November 1930

Mr. and Mrs. Harry E. Moss announce the marriage of their daughter, Mildred to Claude M. Vanatti, which took place at 2:30 o'clock Wednesday, Nov. 26th. The contracting couple were accompanied by the bride's sister, Miss Myrtle V. Moss and Lewis Jones.  The bride wore a charming brown georgette dress with accessories to harmonize while her attendant was attired in blue georgette.  The bride was a student of Reelsville high school while the bridegroom was graduated from Brazil high school in the class of 1928. When the bridal party arrived at the home of the bride’s parents, Wednesday evening, a beautifully set bridal table awaited them and a delicious dinner was served. Places were arranged for Mr. and Mrs. Roy Johnson and children, Lelia Marie and William Henry Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Moss and children, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Stolls, Miss Myrtle V. Moss and Lewis Jones, and the honor guests. Music was enjoyed and a happy hour was spent before the bride and groom were given the congratulations of the departing guests.-Brazil Times. – thanks to mlh

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