Merrill - Donnohue - Putnam

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Merrill - Donnohue

Source: Greencastle Star Press 24 March 1894 p 1

On last Monday morning at 10:30 o’clock at the family residence on West Poplar Street, Mr. Ralph D. Merrill of Chicago and Miss Blanche Donnohue of this city were married, Dr. HA Gobin pronouncing the marriage ceremony.  Only the family and immediate friends were present, the guests being Miss Ames, Miss Genevieve Ames, Mrs. JD Cox, Miss Chapin and Prof. Smyser and wife. After congratulations had been tendered refreshments were served and the bride and groom took the noon train on the Monon for Chicago their future home. The many friends of the bride in this city wish Mr. and Mrs. Merrill long life and all the happiness possible on this mundane sphere. - kbz
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