McCoy, Delcia - Alvin Rockwell - Putnam

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McCoy, Delcia - Alvin Rockwell

Source: Daily Greencastle Banner-Times 30 Oct 1890 p 1

Cupid has again invaded our neighborhood (Cloverdale Oct 27) and the marriage of Mr. Alvin A. Rockwell, formerly of Cloverdale, now of Albany, Texas and Miss Delcia E. McCoy of Cloverdale was solemnized at the residence of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joel McCoy, three miles south of Cloverdale, Wednesday morning at 7 o’clock, Elder PJ Martin of Bloomington, officiating. A large gathering of relatives and friends assembled to witness the ceremony. Quite a number of handsome and useful presents were presented. The happy couple left on the 9:30 train for Albany, Texas where they will make their future home, stopping off at Greencastle where they were hospitably entertained by Dr. and Mrs. Evans.  May happiness and joy be their lot while sailing down the stream of life is the wish of their many friends and your correspondent.

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