BROADSTREET, Mary Quinette - Wm. C. BUIS - Putnam

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BROADSTREET, Mary Quinette - Wm. C. BUIS

Source: Indianapolis News Thursday 1 Dec 1904 p 2

Greencastle – The divorce of Mrs. Mary J.(Quinette) Broadstreet from her husband on proof of abandonment was followed by her marriage to William C. Buis, a farmer. Note: Mary J. Quinnette married John F. Broadstreet 29 July 1893 Edgar County, Illinois

Divorce – Broadstreet
Source: Logansport Pharos-Tribune Thursday 10 Dec 1896 p  18
Greencastle, Ind Dec 10 – On Nov 30, in Putnam Circuit Court, AG Broadstreet, a prominent merchant of Cloverdale, this county, filed a writ charging his wife, Millie F. Broadstreet with infidelity. The case was heard at once by the judge, the defendant admitting the charges and a divorce was granted in a few minutes after the suit was begun. A second suit has been filed in the shape of a petition that caused a sensation in court and in the town where the principals are known.  The defendant, Millie Broadstreet, filed a petition in which she alleges that her husband had by threats to kill her forced her to make the admissions in court at the former trial, all of which she now alleges to be untrue and which were wrong from her by fear of personal violence at his hands. After hearing the petition Judge McGregor promptly set aside the first decree of divorce and the defendant will be given an opportunity to be heard in his own behalf. She further alleges that her husband practiced fraud upon the court in the first trial and that she believes he has so disposed of his property as to jeopardize the alimony allowance at that time made to her.
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