Abrams, E.C. - Charlotte BEACH - Putnam

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Abrams, E.C. - Charlotte BEACH

Source: Greencastle Banner and Times, 23 Oct 1896 p3

The wedding of Mr. E.C. Abrams and Miss Charlotte Beach occurred Thursday at the home of the bride in Covington. The wedding was quite a social event. Among those attending from here were Mr. and Mrs. Art Jackson; Mr. and Mrs. Dave Abrams; Mr. and Mrs. Will Steele; Will Welch and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Abrams. Mr. and Mrs. Abrams have gone to Niagara Falls on a tour and will return to this city next week to visit friends. Their home will be in Louisville.  

Source: Same
The Covington, Ky Commonwealth had the following concerning the Abrams-Beach wedding: Thee are few prettier pictures in life than a fair young bride and yesterday eve at six o’clock relatives and friends witnessed the marriage of a lovely young woman, Miss Charlotte Meredith Beach and Mr. Edwin Chaddock Abrams of Louisville, formerly of Greencastle, Ind. Portions of the Episcopal service was used by request in the ceremony which was performed by the bride’s pastor, Rev. Mr. Rennie of Madison Avenue Presbyterian Church and it was acknowledged as very impressive and beautiful. The bridal party stood under a canopy of greens adorned occasionally with yellow forest leaves and throughout the parlor this was carried out, emphasizing the autumn month and its special beauties. It is rare to see a fairer bride. She has a bright, sparkling brown eye, pretty complexion and chats merrily and happily.  Her coiffure was simple but she has the tint of hair which painters and poets admire that was arranged in a pleasing style and the natural wave and curl around the brow made her altogether one of the very prettiest brides of the season. She was gowned in girlish simplicity and sweetness – white organdie trimmed with soft chiffon, white ribbon as adornment, a butterfly bow and long streamers completed the becoming toilet.  Her handsome sister, Miss Anne Beach was the maid of honor and with pride, pleasure and love she offered the graceful courtesies of the lovely event, and was fortunate to catch the handsome bouquet thrown by her bride sister. Mr. George Beach, Cincinnati was the best man and was fortunate to secure the sixpence in the bride’s cake which betokens he shall be wealthy. Miss Katharine Price secured the ring. The bridal table was decorated with yellow chrysanthemums and seated at the same were, besides the bridal party, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Abrams, a bride and groom from Lowell, Ind; Miss Emma Davis, Miss Lottie Beach, Miss Agnes Price, Miss Fannie Beach, Mr. Wm. James, Miss Bessie White, Rev. and Mrs. Rennie. Among the guests from a distance were relatives of the groom from Indiana, Mr. and Mrs. Jackson, Mr. and Mrs. Steel, Mr. and Mrs. David Abrams. The happy couple were beautifully remembered with presents. They left last evening ‘mid a shower of rice for a trip to the east. May the glad sunshine of the day be a token for their prosperity and may the guardian angel of this fairest of fair brides go with her through life.-transcribed by kbz
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