Kissner Music Store - 1859
Source: Crawfordsville Review 31 Dec 1859 p 2

NEW MUSIC STORE – at Greencastle!!
Having lately fitted up a Room for the sale of Pianos and Musical Merchandise, I hereby most respectfully invite my friends and the public of Crawfordsville and vicinity in general to favor me with a call when they need anything in the Music line. My selections of Pianos are from the following celebrated and well known Manufacturers: Lighte & Bradbury, NY; William Lindeman & Sons, NY; Wm. Knabe & Co, Baltimore. Also – splendid Parlor Grand Pianos of my own Importation. Having the advantage over a good many dealers as a practical Piano Maker to judge fully the qualities of a good Piano, the public may therefore rely upon getting Instruments which for durability, brilliancy of tone, elacsticity of touch and beauty of finish, are beyond doubt without competition. Being enabled to sell at Factory Prices, besides personally attending to the tuning, I can therefore offer better inducements to buyers than can be found anywhere else. Also constantly on hand, Melodeons, Guitars, Violins, Flutes, Picolos, Fifes, Banjos, Flutinas and Accordeons, of the very best quality and highest finish. Also Sheet Music, Instruction Books, the very best of Italian Strings, together with a variety of other articles, usually kept in a Music Store. Orders by mail sent promptly and faithfully attended to. Price Lists and Circulars of Pianos sent free upon application. A call is respectfully solicited. L. KISSNER – Room on the SW Corner Public Square, Greencastle, Oct 8, 1859.