Cole Brothers - Brockway - Pumps - Putnam

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Cole Brothers - Brockway - Pumps

Source: Greencastle Banner March 19, 1874 p 4

Cole Brothers & Brockway Greencastle, Ind manufacturers of the Celebrated Greencastle Wood Pump and the Porcelain Lined Iron Cylinder Pump – the Porcelain Lined Iron Cylinder Pump is the most durable pump ever manufactured. For the quality of these pumps they refer to the large number of the citizens of Putnam County who are now using them.  The highest market price paid for good Pump Lumber made out of Yellow Poplar timber delivered at our Factory sawed 6 ½” square 7 or 14’ long.  Also dealers in The Franklin Lightning Rod, which has been proven to be the best lightning rod in the world. - kbz

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