WILSON, John - Putnam

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Source: Biographical & Historical Record of Putnam County, Indiana.
Chicago: Lewis Publishing Company, 1887. p. 357.

John WILSON, a farmer of Floyd Township, resides on Sec 9, where he owns 161 acres of good land, in a high state of cultivation. He was born in that townshp Jan 23, 1838, a son of Abel and Julia a. Wilson. They were natives of KY, the former of English and latter of Germany ancestry. The mother's maiden name was Kolesapple (Holesapple). They acme to this county in 1832, and are still living in the same township in which they first settled. They had six chldren; five of them are still living. John was the fourth child. He was reared on his father's farm. He was married in 1860, in Floyd Township to Miss Nancy I, daughter of John and Anna c. LEWIS, who were natives of KY. Th efather died in 1863; the mother is still living. Mrs. Wilson was born in this county in 1840. They have had four children, the first of which died an infant; the other three are living: Delana C and Charley A, a teacher are pursuing a course of study in the State Nromal at Terre Haute. Gilbert, the youngest, is at home. Mr. Wilson is a Democrat in politics, and a county commissioner at this time and has been township assessor one term. His early educational advantages were limited,b ut he posesses a good fund of information and common sense, and is one of the influential men of the county. He had but little property to begin with and had to rent land for 7 or 8 years. He got his land by going in debt for it and by raising and selling cattle to pay for it. The farm he now owns has cost him $7,500. Mr. Wilson and his wife and three children are members of the Presbyterian Church at Groveland.

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