TUSTISON, Orville - Putnam

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Source: Weik, Jesse W.  History of Putnam County, Indiana.  Indianapolis: B.F. Bowen, 1910 p 308.
Thanks to the Internet Archive for making this awesome book available !!

We are dealing with a fine citizen when we confront the bearer of the above name. Not only has he made a success in life in a business way, but he has done still better by the character of man he has made of himself, by study, observation and experience in the affairs of the world. His highest claim to the crown of good citizenship is his universal dedication of himself to all moral causes. Point out the moral side of any question and there you will find Orville M. Tustison arrayed as an advocate and fighter. He has been especially conspicuous in the noble cause of temperance. Knowing the evils of the liquor traffic, seeing with his own eyes the ruin it has wrought on all sides in every household and in all the walks of life, he long ago conceived for it a holv hatred and this dislike is manifested in church, at the polls, in private and public life. Mr. Tustison was born at Cherry Point,
Illinois, April 14, 1869, and is a son of Dr. Andrew F. and Mary (Kelley) Tustison. of Shelby county, Ohio. His father was a practicing physician at Cherry Point. Orville attended public school at Cherry Point and after he grew up he learned the trade of painting and hanging paper. He followed this occupation for quite a while and was successful in a business way as he had energy, industry, honesty and good judgment. In 1895 he came to Putnam county, where his strong qualities soon asserted themselves and we find him now one of the successful and progressive farmers of this section. He and his wife own three hundred and three acres of fine farming land and are ranked among the county's solid citizens.
On September 19, 1894, Mr. Tustison married Nellie G. Hanna, a descendant of one of the earliest of Putnam county's pioneer families. Her father is G. W. Hanna, a sketch of whom and his family appears elsewhere in this volume. Mr. and Mrs. Tustison have four children: Reed Ariel, born August 1, 1895; Ross Hanna, born May 24. 1897; Vera Marie, born July 21, 19CO, and Madonna Nelson, born September 6, 1905. Mr. Tustison is a member of the Knights of Pythias, Eagle Lodge, No. 16, of Greencastle, and Morton Lodge, Free and Accepted Masons, and has also been quite conspicuous in politics, which he aims to elevate and purify by driving out machine methods and all sorts of corrupt devices. He is the Republican member of the advisory board of Monroe township and is always conscientious in the performance of the duties attached to this position. He was a delegate to the Republican state convention held at Indianapolis in 1908, and used all his influence for a strong declaration for temperance in the platform. As president of the temperance league in Clinton township he was foremost in the fight for local option, which carried the county by an overwhelming majoritv. He favors state-wide prohibition and hopes to live to see the day when there will not be a saloon in the state of Indiana. For many years he has been an indefatigable laborer in the temperance cause and rejoiced to see the steady advance of temperance principles in all sections and states of the Union. No man in Putnam county is more highly esteemed for his high character, sound business judgment and general worth as an ail around good citizen.

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