ROMINE, Peter - Putnam

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By H. W. Beckwith page 162

PETER ROMINE, farmer, Covington, who is one of Troy township’s energetic, enterprising and successful farmers, has been wholly dependent upon his own resources, and is a native of Virginia. His parents moved to Muskingum county Ohio during his his boyhood, and from thence they removed to Ross county of the same state. His people were poor and somewhat unfortunate, but to his mother he owes much as she to give her boy at least some education, took in washing to earn the little money required to pay his way. The memory and teachings of that mother have never been forgotten by her son. In the temptation of public life and in the privacy of his own household Mr. Romine has always endeavored to follow only honest and upright paths. He became a resident of Fountain county in 1857. He remained with his parents until he was twenty-eight years of age, and though he is now only forty-seven, he has already accumulated a fine property of no less than two hundred acres of fine land on which he has made most of the improvements. This property he has bought piece by piece as he found himself able to risk the payment of the purchase price. His motto has been “Good management is the mother of good luck”. With this maxim in view, and his natural industrious and economical habits his ultimate success has been a fixed fact. When twenty-eight years of age Mr. Romine married Miss Sophronia Culverson who is a native of Indiana. They have a family of three sons and five daughters, all of whom bid fair to become honorable and useful citizens of the community.

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